Friday, 26 March 2010

Does True Blood Trounce Twilight on Twitter?

OK, so you may hate Twitter 'cause you don't wanna read about Kirstie Alley's butter-withdrawal pissiness or Lindsay Lohan's nonsensical pleas that you buy her leggings. Understandable.

But whether you love or hate the emo network, we think the True Blood Twitter proves there are some fabulous things the microblogging site can do. Especially for bloodthirsty types like us!

We (like you, we're sure) have been mourning the break between True Blood seasons, but the Twitter led us to a clip that quenched a certain hunger we had...

And we mean our obsession with our favorite sexy vamp, Eric, played by the delectable Alexander SkarsgÄrd!

Eric can be seen in the most recent clip posted by the show—which has revved up our anticipation even if that's even possible!

The show's not back until June 13, sigh, but we adore how this baby's keeping its Truebies happy.

We cannot wait to see what happens with Bill and Sookie's relaysh (if they ever find Bill) and what the hell kind of stuff may happen with our fave Lafayette. Maybe he can hook up with Eric? In real life, we hear A.S. knows a thing or two about dangerous nooky, so a fiery interspecies, interracial romp like that could be so on for the show, too!

Talk about a slurp-worthy shocker.

So, Twi-hards, we want to know: Does your massive love for vamps like Edward and Bella extend (to the degree it really should, we mean) beyond Twilight and into other more smartly written vamp fare like True Blood or even Vampire Diaries?

Confession: We love it all, and we have to admit, we're a little bummed there's no page official Twitter page for Forks gossip like there is for Bon Temps. Imagine if there were tweets about Edward and Bella's dates around town...

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