Thursday, 25 March 2010

Splitting 'Breaking Dawn' Into Two Films Is OK By Ashley Greene

Movie Trailers - Movies Blog
One movie or two? That seems to be the big "Twilight" question these days for fans, who await a resolution to the unsettled matter whether "Breaking Dawn," the final volume in Stephenie Meyer's vampire book series, will be split into two parts for the big screen.

The franchise's stars have weighed in on the debate too. Kristen Stewart told MTV News she's keen for a two-picture finale. Nikki Reed said she'd also love the chance to take part in two films. Peter Facinelli thinks the idea would be "fantastic." And now Ashley Greene has offered her opinion.

"I wouldn't mind seeing it split up because the book is huge, and there's so much that's involved, and there's so many different kinds of intertwining stories," she told MTV News at South by Southwest in Austin, Texas.

"The problem with changing books into film is that you don't have time to tell this intricate story that you do in 700 pages of a book," she added. "I don't think it could hurt."

Meyer herself realizes the difficulty of squeezing so much story into the confines of a single feature-length film. "My personal feeling is that it would be very difficult to cram the whole story into one movie (as I've said in many interviews previous to this), but if a great way of doing that surfaces, I'm all for it," Meyer wrote on her Web site. "Two or one, whichever way fits the story best is fine by me."

While the "Twilight" crew seems to be onboard with the two-movie idea, they're less certain about the possibility of seeing "Breaking Dawn" in three dimensions. Stewart called the 3-D notion "crazy," while Robert Pattinson said 3-D movies gave him headaches as a kid. But Greene said she's keeping an open mind.

"I think either way, it's going to be fantastic," she said. "Certainly, 3-D isn't going to hurt. It seems to be the in thing."


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