Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Is True Blood the Twilight for adults?

Twilight vs. True Blood, can we even compare. I guess we can, because so many do. So, which team wins out, Team Twilight, or Team True Blood?

Stephanie Meyer's romantic tale of Vampire Edward Cullen and human Bella Swan falling in love despite all the odds being against them is a one of excitement, love, and moral questions. But True Blood has been deemed the "Twilight for adults" Does this mean that Twilight is only for teenage girls? I think most would disagree with that!

True Blood which is more raw and sexual has drawn in adult vampire fans from all over. Also adapted from a series of books Sookie and Bill face their own set of challenges as they fight to keep their relationship together.

So I'm wondering...Is there even cause for debate? Let me know what you think. Twilight, True Blood...or both?

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