Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Kristen Stewart and Carey Mulligan Compete for a Role in "The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo"?

We all know about Kristen Stewart through her role as ‘Bella Swan’ in the Twilight Saga, but obviously as an actress she also has to try and appear in movies that consist of storylines that don’t involve vampires, werewolves and whatever else is in the horizon from this fantasy Saga.

But the role she is going for is not going to be as easy to get as she may have once thought. This could have something to do with Carey Mulligan, as she is reportedly also going for the same role that Kristen wants.

So what is this seemingly impressive role then, I guess everyone is wondering? Well it is the leading role in a re-make of the movie ‘The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’. The director of this re-make is ‘David Fincher’ and he wants to give this thriller a little more Hollywood edge and that is exactly what he is going to do, but which star actress is will he choose?

A studio executive spoke to the Sun and said, “It’s an edgy, sexy, demanding role which would have been perfect for Angelina Jolie – if she was only ten years younger. So the very best twenty-something actresses around today are in the frame – and that’s a very short list.”

The Sun also revealed that Fincher may be keen to grab Kristen for this “demanding” role, a little bit more then Carey as back in the year of 2002 he was the one her got acting career into lift off with the film ‘Panic Room’. So maybe the odds are against Carey on this one. But how edgy, sexy and demanding can our Kristen be as her role in Twilight doesn’t consist of any of those elements?

Plus Carey’s also got an Oscar! Well Noomi Rapace starred in the first original of this film, so whoever does get the part is going to have to live up to her work and even do better! Can these teens do it!

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