Sunday, 4 April 2010

‘No NY’ for Robert Pattinson and ‘Water for Elephants’

As first picked up by it seems the movie’s director has confirmed Water For Elephants will not be filming New York. When asked if the movie will be filming in NY, Francis Lawrence replied, “no Ny on this one.”

It was rumored that Water For Elephants, which stars Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon, was going to film scenes at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY this summer, so does this mean Cornell is out?

It seems, the director’s cryptic message still leaves a lot of questions unanswered. Does this mean that the movie isn’t filming in Ithaca or was the answer only referring to NYC? Are they filming only in L.A. or will they still be filming at other locations (there were rumors some filming may be done in NJ)? And we can’t help but wonder, does that Twitter account really belong to the film’s director (it seems the director of the next RPattz movie would have more than 494 followers)?

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